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NYS Defensive Driving Discount to Save on Insurance

As the rate and severity of automobile accidents has increased over the past several years, so have the auto insurance premiums. Let’s face it, car insurance can make up a good chunk of a person’s monthly expenditures. If you’re looking for ways to save on your auto insurance, taking the NYS Defensive Driving Course could make a lot of sense.

The discount is usually 10 percent off your car insurance premium. The course itself is normally 6 hours long and offered at many driving schools as well as other locations, and sometimes is broken up in to two 3-hour classes to complete the certification. The cost can be anywhere from $25.00 to $50.00 depending on the venue.

You can also take the NYS Defensive Driving Course online. Once you sign up for the course, you are normally given up to 30 days to complete the course at your own pace. We often refer clients to this website for the online defensive driving course. NYS Defensive Driving Course

They add a little humor to what can be a dry subject, but don’t underestimate the importance of this course. Besides the discount gained, one also is given a refresher on predicting and anticipating what other drivers and street users (pedestrians, bikes, etc) might do, and what you will do to avoid it. Proactively learning to avoid accidents is one of the best ways to remain accident-free or minimizing the impact of an auto accident.

As of today, online course fee is $27.95 plus an $8.00 DMV/State fee. You get 30 days to complete the course and will receive a completion certificate when the course is completed. Simply forward your certificate to your insurance company and they will apply your defensive driving course discount to your policy as of the date of completion.

The prior link will take you to the Improv Defensive Driving Web Page

  • Select State
  • Select Course
  • Select the Point and Insurance Reduction Course
  • Fill in your name and contact information
  • Click on “Start The Course”

That is pretty much it, complete the course, and receive your completion certificate.

Thanks for the read!

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