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Albany NY Car Insurance

Your Albany NY Car Insurance Quote Source

SAVE up to 50% on Albany NY Car Insurance

We understand more than most, that people the people of Albany NY just don’t want to pay a lot for their car policies. Being the oldest continuous settlement in the original 13 English colonies, Albany shoppers are somewhat savvy, which we love. The origination of Santa Claus being celebrated with Christmas also occurred in Albany, so what better present can we give to it’s people than great savings on their auto policy.

In reality, most people requesting an auto insurance quote really just want a good value. 

Cost of Car Insurance in Albany, Schenectady and Troy NY

Online, you’ll find several websites touting the average cost of car insurance in Albany, Schenectady and Troy NY at anywhere from $60 to $280 per month. These numbers bear no weight whatsoever as the true cost relates to the consumer’s specific eligibility factors and coverage requirements. Below, you’ll see the primary factors that make up the price of car insurance.

Driving Record: At-fault accidents and traffic violations like speeding tickets

Credit Rating: Insurers use your credit-based insurance score as a major factor in determining your premiums.
Age: In general, mature drivers have fewer accidents than less experienced drivers, particularly teenage drivers and drivers under 25 years old. Rates for young drivers are significantly higher than that of a mature driver.
Vehicle Use: Is your vehicle more for pleasure use or used mainly to commute to and from work?
Vehicle Mileage: How many miles you drive per year
The Car You Drive: The cost of your car is a major factor in the cost to insure it. Other variables include the likelihood of theft, the cost of repairs, its engine size and the overall safety record of the car
The Type and Amount of Auto Insurance Coverage: The limits on liability coverages, personal injury protection, comprehensive and collision coverage and the amount of your deductible, and the types and amounts of policy options such as roadside assistance, rental car reimbursement, glass coverage, and new car replacement.
Homeowner?: Homeowners get a better rate than those who are renters.
Location: Car insurance is also rated by zip code, with focus on the percentage of accidents per population for that zip code.

Location Effect on Rates in Capital Region NY



Rate Effect



Rate Effect























































Top Available Discounts for Car Insurance in Albany – Schenectady – Troy

 Multiple Policy Discount: Also known as the “Bundle Discount” when bundling car and home policies is usually quite generous, anywhere between 10% and 25% depending on the insurance company. The average discount among all insurers is 17%.

Multiple Vehicle Discount: Depending upon the insurer, a multi-car discount typically reduces your auto insurance premium by anywhere between 10% and 25%. Liability coverages such as bodily injury liability, supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist protection, property damage and personal injury protection will need to be identical for each vehicle but you can choose to carry different or no coverage on each car for comprehensive, collision, glass, roadside assistance, and rental car reimbursement coverage.

Defensive Driving Discount: In New York, the defensive driving course reduces auto insurance premiums by a mandatory 10% that lasts for three years. You can take the course every three years to keep your discount continuously secured. The 10% reduction is applied to your liability and collision coverages.

Good Student Discount: Adding a young driver to your car insurance policy can be quite expensive and many insurers offer a generous “good student” discount to help offset the additional premium shock by up to 25%. Most NY insurance companies require a grade of B or GPA of 3.0 or higher to get the discount and both high schoolers and college students under age 25 are eligible.

Paid in Full/Paperless Discount: If you’re willing to pay your premium in-full and elect to go paperless with your auto policy, it can add up to a nice combination savings opportunity. Paid in Full discounts typically range between 6% and 14% while going paperless can add an additional reduction of between 3% and 6%. The paperless option simply means you’ll receive your policy documents and billing statements by email.

Accident Free/Safe Driver Discounts: Many insurers reward drivers with a better tier rating or percentage discount for maintaining a good driving record.

Our goal is always twofold, to provide the protection you need and at the lowest price we can find. Car insurance in Albany NY is not a commodity, there are differences, not only in coverage, but also in the education and service you receive. There can be a wide disparity amongst insurers in the way claims are handled as well as settlement amounts. If you’ve ever had consistently bad experiences with customer service or a claim that was handled poorly, you know what we mean. There is a difference, and that’s why, based on our experience, have hand-picked the top national and regional carriers to do business with. Chosen based on coverage offered, competitive pricing, and claims handling history.

We want our clients to have policies that hold tremendous value with proper coverage that can save their financial lives if they are deemed at fault in an accident, causing significant injuries.

Cheap Albany NY Car Insurance with Value

We Our goal is always twofold, to provide the protection you need and at the lowest price we can find. Car insurance in Albany NY is not a commodity, there are differences, not only in coverage, but also in the education and service you receive. 

How Do You Find The Cheapest Albany NY Car Insurance?

Good question! There are actually a number of factors that allow us to zero-in on the most competitive rates for our clients.

The Companies

Our agency is directly appointed to a large number of targeted insurers that in our opinion are the best for any particular niche of car, home, or business insurance. By the best, we mean the coverage offered, policy and claims service, and of course, pricing. For example, where one might be excellent for people with excellent credit and bundles, another might be better for someone with less than perfect credit or someone who’s had some recent claims, or any variation of several different factors. After our agent’s initial fact gathering session with someone requesting a quote, we know which companies to approach that will provide the cheapest auto insurance quote we can find in Albany NY.

Manual Quoting

Being an independent agency gives us the ability to offer the best options from our hand-picked and highly targeted A-Rated insurers, which gives you a distinct advantage for cost and coverage. Our pre-quote process, and advanced quoting systems allow us to “Manually Quote” the top carriers for your specific qualifying factors which ensures all discounts are applied and all required endorsements are added, something that is often missed with the use of automated multi-company rating tools used by many NY insurance companies. These automated rating tools are used by agents as a time saving measure but are not perfect and can cause a necessary coverage to be missed or a higher premium than should be paid. We have chosen to avoid rating systems for these reasons. Yes, it takes longer to do things manually but gives greater assurance to our customers. You are worth it!


The old adage “You Can’t Teach Experience” is so true in the world of insurance. There are several major rating factors to consider in the pricing of a NY auto insurance quote. Driving record, credit rating, age, vehicle use, vehicle mileage, location, gender, car(s) being insured, liability limits, deductibles, and optional coverages. Rating factors combined with eligible discounts such as safe driving, defensive driving course, alarm systems, early shopper, multi car, multi policy, affinity, daytime lights, good student, student-away, accident-free, paid in full, electronic billing, and e-documents ultimately confirm the price option you’ll receive from any insurer. It’s one of the reasons why rater tools are not always effective as all insurers weigh rating factors and offer discount options differently, sometimes making the resulting best option, not really the best for you. Our experience has taught us how to contrast and compare utilizing rating factors and discounts that give our clients the bottom-line best option from our stable of companies.

It’s Time To Get Your Personalized NY Auto Insurance Quote

Let the us do the heavy lifting for you, utilizing our extensive network of the top national and regional insurance companies in New York. We know the current best offered programs for people with your specific scenario and requirements. We utilize our experience serving Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Latham, Cohoes, Watervliet, Clifton Park, Saratoga Springs, surrounding Capital Region areas and all of New York State to provide the best policy options possible. We want to find you cheap Albany NY auto insurance that also protects you adequately.

This is no gimmick. It is not uncommon for us to save clients Up To 50% on their Albany NY auto premiums. We know car and home insurance, have the companies, and we know where to find the deals. Get your quote today!

Frequently Asked NY Auto Insurance Questions (FAQ)

No. In fact we make the process quite simple for you. All that’s required on your part is to make your initial payment and sign the application. We issue your new policy and cancel your old one, give you your new ID Cards and have your full policy either emailed or mailed to your home per your preference. This is all done on the same day and can be at our office or over the phone. What’s more is that we are here as a resource for you and you can call or email your agent directly with any questions for quick response. No 800 numbers or gate keepers at our agency.

Cancelling your current coverage before the term expiration is perfectly fine, no penalties will be assessed. You’ll actually get a pro-rated refund back from your prior insurer for the number of days coverage that you paid for and did not use. For instance, if you had a 6-month policy and paid for it in full at the inception with a premium of $1,000 and cancel at the end of 3 months, you’ve paid for 180 days and only used 90 days of protection. Therefore, you would receive a refund back in the amount of $500 for the 90 days you paid for but did not use.

All of the companies with do business with offer multiple payment options including 1-Pay, 2-Pay, semi-monthly, quarterly, and monthly options. Our two most popular options are the Paid-in-Full option (some of our carriers offer a discount for paid-in-full) and the Monthly Automatic Payment option. The monthly automatic option is an electronic transfer of your payment directly from your checking account and eliminates any monthly bill installments fees which adds up to a good savings amount over the term of the policy.

Good question, NY auto insurance rates have been rising steadily over the past few years due to a number of factors. The increased rate and severity of accidents, more and costlier personal liability claims, fraud, increased medical costs, rising costs to repair, and natural disasters. Unfortunately, these costs are spread among all policyholders, even the ones that don’t put in claims or get tickets and dutifully pay their premiums every time and on time. It doesn’t seem fair and we agree with our claim-free customers who voice their displeasure, sometimes loudly! Yes, prices of everything seems to increase and as the cost of living goes up, one would expect a small increase in renewal premiums due to inflation, but not big price swings. Being an independent agency with access to multiple carriers, this is an area where we can help. In the event one of our insurers begins to raise premiums on a scale that’s above the norm from others in the market, we can re-shop for our clients to affirm whether or not they still have the best overall deal for them. If we find a better option with another company, we can simply switch you to that company.

Comprehensive and Collision coverages are both provided for protection against damage to your vehicle.


This is provided to pay for damage to your vehicle from a collision with another vehicle where you are deemed at fault, or in some instances where your vehicle is hit while you are driving and the offending driver takes off (hit and run). It also pertains to an accident with an inanimate object such as a guard rail, fence, pole, etc. Or for a single car roll-over incident. Collision is usually required to be carried if you are financing or leasing your vehicle. 


It is sometimes referred to as “other than collision” because it provides coverage for perils such as fire, hitting an animal, natural disasters such as hail damage, falling objects such as a tree falling on your car, vandalism, and theft. Keep in mind that with both comprehensive and collision there is a separate deductible for each. People commonly use $500 as their deductibles for each but you can have lower or higher limits if you choose. Lower deductibles will raise your premium where higher ones decrease it. Of the two, collision is normally much higher in cost and some folks choose to have a high collision deductible and lower comprehensive deductible depending on their risk tolerance and value of the vehicle. Also, if your car is financed, the lender may have a cap for deductibles at $500, $750, or $1,000, so be sure to check with them if you are thinking about raising your deductibles.

Auto Glass is actually covered under your Comprehensive coverage and provides for repair or replacement of your windshield or any other vehicle glass such as back window, front, passenger, or back seat windows. Your comprehensive deductible will apply, but most insurers allow a separate deductible for glass or no deductible at all. The “Full Glass” option means that your glass will be repaired or replaced with no deductible or out of pocket expense. Always be sure to ask your agent if Full Glass applies to your policy as it’s relatively inexpensive and most people prefer it.

When folks refer to liability protection on a NY auto policy, they are referring to Bodily Injury Liability. Simply put, it protects you if you’re driving and cause an accident where you’re deemed at-fault and one or more people are injured and sue you for their injuries. NYS requires that you carry a minimum amount of at least $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident (termed 25/50) which is not much financial protection. Say for instance, you’re driving on the highway, encounter a patch of black ice and hit the car in front of you causing a severe injury to a person in that car. You are now sued for $500,000. Your insurer will pay $25,000 to the injured party and you can be on the hook for $475,000, and may ruin your financial life. Bodily Injury Liability can be carried at levels from 25/50 all the way up to $1 million on your base policy. If extra coverage is desired, individuals can add a $1 million to $5 million Umbrella Policy for an added layer of liability protection. It’s one of, if not the most important coverage on a car insurance policy.