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Schenectady NY Car Insurance

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Inadequate Bodily Injury Liability (BI) limits on your Schenectady NY car insurance policy can wreak financial havoc if you’re in an auto accident where one or more people suffer a serious injury and you are deemed at fault. Being determined “at fault” in an accident doesn’t necessarily mean that you were doing something wrong, driving at high speeds, or not using caution. For instance, you could be driving down the Northway or on Erie Blvd at the speed limit, alert, and maintaining a proper distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Suddenly you drive over a patch of black ice or your tire blows out causing you to smash into another car. Even though you were driving with caution and did not intend an accident, you would be deemed at fault in this crash and be held liable for any physical injury to others. It can happen to anyone, at any time, hence the need to have adequate BI coverage.

Bodily Injury Liability coverage pays for injuries you cause to other people when you are at fault in an automobile accident. In NYS the State minimum amount you are required to carry is $25,000 per person/ $50,000 per accident (25/50) but you can choose to maintain much higher coverage limits at up to $1,000,000. Those that want even more protection can purchase an umbrella policy to increase their liability protection by a million dollars or more over their base coverage.

Depending on the extent of an injury occurring in a car accident, claim amounts commonly are filed for hundreds of thousands to a million dollars and sometimes more. If you’re carrying the NYS minimum BI coverage of $25,000 and determined to be at fault in an accident where someone is severely injured and suing you for $800,000, what are you going to do? You are already most likely feeling horrible about the injury and the last thing you need to worry about is the risk to your financial future. It’s a horrible position to be in, and one that can be easily avoided. The key is to get the protection you need now so you don’t have to worry about an unlucky crash crippling your finances.

The good news is that raising your bodily injury liability coverage may not be as costly as you think. In fact, for many people, raising protection to adequate levels is mere dollars per month. Another benefit is that once you raise your BI limit you will get a better rate if you ever decide to shop with a new insurance company.

Many people in NY want cheap car insurance, don’t want to pay a lot for something that is not tangible. But there’s a big difference between cheap NY car insurance and valuable coverage. Holding coverage at minimum amounts to save a few dollars can and does cost people so much more when they need it after a bad auto accident.

So check your policy to see what your BI coverage is. If you’re unsure, call your agent, or feel free to call us here at the NY Insurance Hub anytime, we’re glad to help.